The Lymphatic system, is a subsystem of the circulatory system and is made of a complex network of vessels,tissues, and organs. The lymphatic system helps maintain fluid balance in the body by collecting excess fluid and toxins that could potentially harm the bloodstream. It is also an immunity booster, helping to defend the body against infection by stocking up on lymphocytes, which are a disease-fighting cells.
While a lymphatic drainage massage is a great investment for the entire body, We are going to focus on why it is exceptionally yummy for your face. I've attached a mini example of a anti puff practice that you can add into your daily getting ready routine.
Benefits of at home facial lymphatic drainage massage
-Relieving inflammation and fatigued looking skin
-Gives face a natural contour
-relieves sinus congestion and allergy discomfort
-Brings circulation and Chi to the face
-Stress treatment and mood elevator
-keeps lymph nodes healthy and productive
Can be performed 1 to 20 minutes, its up to you!